other render engines
there are some other great render engines out there:
and Vray for Blender ... there is vray standalone+script solution

What you have seems to be a normal Luxrender export, so yes, it can be rendered on our farm.
What you'll have to do it to copy the files in a separate directory and unpack the .zip textures. Then try rendering locally with luxrender. If it renders properly, zip the folder contents (not the folder itself) and upload it on our farm.
Mike Kormendy commented
Does the luxrender engine that you support have sketchup output reading? I have an lxs, lxo, lxm, and textures zip folder.
We currently support Luxrender 1.3.1
Mike Kormendy commented
What version of LuxRender is supported now?
V-Ray is added as well
Nkansah Rexford commented
I think LuxRender and Vray are okay for Render Street. Blender should be given priority I think.
Luxrender support has been added. Currently supporting Lux 1.2
Working on adding support for Vray as well, but that will take longer
We're planing on getting those added. Starting with luxrender first